Nostrification of your school certificate at your faculty
How to verify your secondary education document at the faculty of Charles University, which you are applying to?
Nostrification is a procedure of recognition of your education in the Czech Republic. Usually it includes applying to a regional education department and passing nostrification exams at a gymnasium.
Recently, it has become legal for universities to recognize foreign documents on secondary education themselves under certain conditions. Such recognition is carried without any exams, but it has some limitations.
Unlike general nostrification (with passing of exams at a gymnasium), which is unlimited and is valid at all faculties, this recognition is valid only for the period of studying at your program at the faculty you have been accepted to.
Below you will find links to the rules of nostrification at all faculties of Charles University. They vary depending on your faculty. We will tell you about the general points which are worth noting.
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General requirements
• Deadlines. Regardless of the deadline date, we recommend that you do it as early as possible, as the faculty may require additional documents. You should have enough time to prepare, translate, certify and send them.
• List of documents. Each faculty lists essential and additional documents. Prepare and send everything right away. This way you will save time on sending documents.
• Translation and certification. Remember that all documents must be properly certified and translated. This is going to take extra time and money.
• Payment. From 0 to 870 CZK. This depends on your faculty as well. Moreover, the payment methods also differ. At some of the faculties you can pay by card right at the moment of applying for studying, while at other you will have to send money by bank transfer.
• Address. Faculties usually accept paper documents by mail. Bare this in mind when planning your time and expenses.
How to send an application?
When submitting an electronic application (přihláška), you will need to fill in the Doložení vzdělání item. Electronic applications for admission to Charles University are submitted here:
By pressing the key, you will see a page on how to verify your previous education. Check the information given there and select the way how you will provide a document of your previous education. To nostrify a certificate or a diploma at the faculty, select “zahraniční doklad o zahraničním středoškolském/vysokoškolském vzdělání – posuzuje se”.
The system will generate the application in PDF format and a fee to be paid.
Then you can send the necessary documents, having enclosed the printed application, by mail to the address of the faculty.
Generally speaking, the procedure is quite simple, but taking mailing of your documents into account, it can take quite a long time.
Finally, we remind you once again that the rules of nostrification at different faculties of Charles University differ, so we recommend that you carefully study the rules at the links:
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List of the faculties
General rules for Charles University. More details on the university website
- Catholic Theological Faculty – KTF UK
- Hussite Theological Faculty – HTF UK
- Faculty of Law – PF UK
- First Faculty of Medicine – 1LF UK
- Second Faculty of Medicine – 2LF UK
- Third Faculty of Medicine – 3LF UK
- Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen – LFP UK
- Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové – LFHK UK
- Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové – FAF UK
- Faculty of Arts – FF UK
- Faculty of Natural Sciences – PřF UK
- Faculty of Education – PedF UK
- Faculty of Social Sciences – FSV UK
- Faculty of Physical Education and Sports – FTVS UK
- Faculty of Humanities – FHS UK
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