Most of the universities accept the B2 level as sufficient for student enrollment. The majority of the graduates of ILPS successfully pass the B2 exam at the end of one-year course.
But before we find out what lies behind the B2 level, let’s go through them from the very beginning.
Czech language proficiency at the A1 level
By ear, you understand certain familiar words and very simple phrases in slow and clear-sounding speech in everyday situations.
When reading, you can understand familiar names, words, and very simple sentences in advertisements or posters.
You can participate in dialogues if the person you are talking to repeats or paraphrases their utterance at your request in slow motion, and also helps you to formulate what you are trying to say. You can ask simple questions and answer them within the topics you know or are interested in.
You know how, using simple phrases and sentences, to tell about the place where you live and the people you know.
You can also write simple postcards (for example, holiday greetings), fill out forms, write your last name, nationality, address on the registration sheet at a hotel.
Our students reach this level by the end of the first week of the intensive preparatory course.
You can also reach the A1-A2 level by studying at summer course for young people.
And if you have already reached this level and want to get official confirmation, take a certified exam at ILPS.
You understand certain phrases and the most common words in utterances related to topics that are important to you (for example, basic information about you, your family, shopping, the place where you live, your work). You understand what is at stake in simple, clear and short messages and announcements.
You understand short, simple texts. You can find specific, easily predictable information in simple texts of everyday communication: in advertisements, brochures, menus, schedules.
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You know how to communicate in simple, typical situations that require direct exchange of information within the topics familiar to you. You can keep a very short conversation about everyday life topics going, but you do not understand enough to carry on conversations on your own.
You can use simple phrases and sentences to talk about your family and other people, living conditions, studying, current or previous work.
You are able to write simple short notes and messages.
The A2 certificate is already sufficient for admission to the Horticultural Faculty of the Mendel University in Brno, the Faculty of Socio-Economics at the University of Jan Evangelista in Ústí nad Labem or the Faculty of Transport at the University of Pardubice. More details
Students of intensive preparatory courses achieve the A2 level by the end of September.
Czech language proficiency at the B1 level
How do you know if you speak Czech at the B1 level? Our self-control crib note comes to the rescue again.
You understand the main points of clearly pronounced formal language utterances on topics known to you that you have to deal with at work, school, on vacation, etc. You understand what most of the current affairs radio and television programs are about, but the speech of the speakers should be clear and relatively slow.
You understand texts based on commonly used vocabulary of everyday and professional communication.
You are able to communicate in most of the situations that occur during your stay in the country of your target language. You can, without preparation, participate in dialogues on a familiar topic (for example, about family, hobbies, work, travel, current events).
You can form simple coherent statements about your personal impressions, events, talk about your dreams, hopes and wishes. You are able to briefly justify and explain your views and intentions. You can also tell a story or the plot of a book or a movie and express your feelings about it.
You can write simple, coherent texts on topics that you are familiar with or interested in. You know how to write personal letters about your personal experience and impressions.
The ILPS certificate of the B1 level is recognized by over 34 faculties at 15 universities and is considered sufficient for admission.
Students of the ILPS preparatory courses are able to pass the exam for this level by new year holidays, that is, after less than 4 months of studying! Choose your course.
You understand detailed reports and lectures and the complex argumentation in them, if their topics are familiar enough to you. You understand almost all news and current affairs coverage. You understand content of most films if their characters speak the formal language.
You understand articles and reports on contemporary issues, the authors of which take a special position or express a special point of view. You understand contemporary fiction.
You can quite fluently communicate with native speakers of the target language without preparation. You can take an active part in a discussion of a familiar problem, justify and defend your point of view.
You can express yourself clearly and in details on a wide range of issues that interest you. You can explain your point of view on a relevant problem, expressing all the arguments „for“ and „against“.
You can write clear, detailed reports on a wide range of topics that interest you. You know how to write essays, discussing questions or supporting your point of view „for“ or „against“. You know how to write letters, highlighting those events and impressions that are especially important to you.
The majority of the ILPS one-year courses graduates take a B2 exam at the end of their studies. Most universities accept this level as sufficient for students enrollment. Sign up for preparatory courses and enter the university of your dreams for free.
Czech language proficiency at the C1 level
You understand detailed reports, even if they have a fuzzy logical structure and insufficient semantic connections. You understand all television programs and films hardly having problems.
You understand complex non-fiction and fiction texts, their stylistic features, special articles and large technical instructions, even if they are not related to your field of activity.
You are able to express your thoughts spontaneously and fluently, without experiencing difficulties choosing words. You use a variety of linguistic means in your speech accurately in situations of professional and everyday communication. You are able to formulate your thoughts clearly and express your opinion, as well as actively support any conversation.
You can explain complex topics clearly and in detail, combine parts into a single whole, develop individual provisions and draw appropriate conclusions.
You are able to convey your thoughts clearly and logically in written form and express your views extensively. You can write about complex problems in details in letters, essays and reports, highlighting what you think is the most important.
C1 is quite an advanced level of language proficiency. There are some faculties that only accept a certificate of this level. For example, Faculty of Electrical Engineering of Czech Technical University (ČVUT), 1st and 3rd Faculties of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové, Evangelical Faculty of Charles University or some programs at Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design (UMPRUM).
Most of our courses prepare students for B1-B2 levels, but at the ILPS CU in Prague-Krystal, where the preparation for admission to medical and natural sciences takes place, graduates of the courses are ready to take the C1 level Czech exam.
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