International students graduated from Czech Universities took a part in a big survey about their experience of studies and life in Czechia. The research was conducted as part of the Czech Republic Alumni programme activities, under which DZS maintains contact with foreign alumni of Czech universities. Full report is available by the link
Basic information about respondents
The quantitative survey was conducted online. All universities in the Czech Republic were asked for cooperation. From October to December 2021, alumni from different countries who studied in the Czech Republic could participate in a questionnaire. 5226 responses were obtained, 4534 of which were used for analysis. This was the first survey in the Czech Republic on this topic
What is your country of origin? TOP 10

What language were you studying in?

What was the field of your study?

How old are you?

Relationship to the Czech Republic
The majority of full degree programmes graduates (70%) declare that they had a positive or definitely positive attitude towards the Czech Republic before they started their studies. Most of them (56%) state that their relationship with the Czech Republic has improved as a result of their studies. The main reasons for this improvement, according to them, are contacts in the Czech Republic, better understanding of local society and culture and satisfaction with the quality of higher education. If we focus only on graduates from countries other than Slovakia, we can see that exactly half of them had a positive attitude towards the Czech Republic before starting their studies. 68% of them perceived an improvement in their relationship with the Czech Republic thanks to their studies. 98% of them would recommend studying in the Czech Republic.
How has changed your relationship with the Czech Republic before and after studying here?


Vast majority of alumni report they continue to follow events in the Czech Republic after finishing their studies, regardless of whether they studied full degree study programme or stayed only for a short-term study stay in the Czech Republic.
„I consider the connection between the West and East countries one of the most interesting parts of the Czech culture. I find the people in the Czech Republic very cultured, intelligent and polite. They should be proud of their country and history, and they should stand up for it,“ one of the respondents said.
Why did your relationship with the Czech Republic improve ? (N = 1260)
„I had the opportunity to explore the Czech republic more, I got a lot of contacts, friendships… I consider the Czech republic to be my second home.“
„I explored the culture, history and lifestyle more. I have met a lot of great people. The knowledge that I gained during my studies made me a better person.“
„Because now I know much more about the Czech Republic, Slavic culture, Central Europe, the customs and habits, history and culture.“
„I travelled the world and I may say that I felt most freedom in Czech Republic. Living in Czech Republic was one of the best decisions I made in my life!“
„I fell in love with Prague, this is the most beautiful city I had ever visited.“
„An under rated country to people from the US. Filled with beautiful towns, people and culture that I would certainly visit again.“
„This is a great country with a lot of opportunities for personal and professional growth, amazing work and life balance. It’s also very safe and the lifestyle is very chill (calm). Lastly, and maybe most importantly, the civil infrastructure is absolutely amazing. I love it here!“
„Nice nature, interesting history and historical sights, relationships.“
Why did your relationship with the Czech Republic worsen? (N = 206)

Would you recommend studying in the Czech Republic to others?

Situation after studies

After completing a full degree programme, exactly half of the surveyed graduates chose the Czech Republic as a place to live. More than 20% did so for personal reasons, 45% for work reasons and 17% decided to continue their studies in the Czech Republic. One-third of the surveyed graduates of full degree programme returned to their home country after completing their studies. Graduates of short-term study stays usually return to their home country. Only 5% stayed in the Czech Republic for personal or professional reasons. However, a large majority of alumni said they had considered staying in the Czech Republic after finishing their study stay.
Vast majority of respondents is currently employed or runs their own business. Almost three-fifths of the alumni of full degree programmes work in the field they studied in the Czech Republic, with the health and social care, business, administration and law, and natural sciences, mathematics and statistics being the most represented fields of study among the respondents.
Among the most significant benefits of studying in the Czech Republic for career purposes, respondents rank acquired qualifications, international perspective, competitiveness in the labour market and prestige.
Work experience

69% of all foreign alumni have worked during their stay in the Czech Republic. Finding a job or starting a business is rated as easy or very easy by 81% of them. Entering the labour market is particularly easy for students from Slovakia, 88% of whom rate finding a job as easy. Students from other countries perceive finding a job as easy in 68% of cases.
“Finding a job as a person living in a foreign country is relatively easy. However, the variety of jobs is lacking. After a few years of experience, I managed to start my own company and have been doing it since 2017,“ says one of the respondents.
Are you currently working in the field that you studied in the Czech Republic?
(N = 3788)

Has studying in the Czech Republic contributed to improving your career?
Only full degree programmes (N = 3087)

How easy was it for you to find a job or start a business?
only full degree programmes (N = 2050)