Earlier, we told you how much money you need for the first year of studying and living in the Czech Republic (before arrival, after arrival). The money you will spend on preparatory courses is not an expense but an investment. The success stories of our graduates in after-graduation employment prove this. In this article, we will try to calculate how long it will take you to get the money spent on a preparatory course at ÚJOP back (spoiler – less than a year).
Today, the annual preparatory course COMPLEX costs CZK 150,000. This amount is impressive. Let’s examine the earnings prospects.
Carefully studying the vacancies website
One of the most popular job websites is Jobs.cz portal. In the screenshot, we have translated the key navigation points.

We are particularly interested in the Absolventi button because you can find vacancies that are suitable for those who have just graduated or are about to graduate from a university and do not have any work experience yet. A list of vacancies will appear in a new window. We will narrow it down so they are suitable specifically for university graduates. To do this, in the following menu, we will select:
- Typ úvazku/Type of employment – Plný úvazek/Full-time employment
- Vzdělání/Education – VŠ/University
- Zadavatel/Job source – Přímý zaměstnavatel/Direct from the employer
- Vhodné i pro/Also suitable for – Absolventi/Graduates
When this article was written, there were 1,199 offers left to choose from. In some of them, the pre-tax salary is indicated – to find them, you need to look for the vacancies that have numbers highlighted in green. Like this one, for example:
What are the salaries offered on the first two pages of our selection? The search results are shown according to the time they were uploaded to the website.
- Provozní manažer sítě kaváren / Operations manager of a chain of cafes – 50,000 – 100,000 crowns
- Stavbyvedoucí, stavební mistr / Construction manager, construction foreman – 35,000 – 50,000 crowns
- Projektový asistent / Projekt assistant – 25,000 – 35,000 crowns
- Vedoucí sociálního odboru / Head of the social department – 30,000 – 45,000 crowns
- Koordinátor klinického výzkumu / Clinical Research Coordinator – 50,000 – 60,000 crowns
- Referent/ka investičního odboru / Investment department clerk – 30,000 – 45,000 crowns
- Produktový specialista / Product specialist – 37,000 – 40,000 crowns
- Zástupce manažera daňových skladů / Deputy manager of tax warehouses – 40,000 – 45,000 crowns
As we can see, the approximate average salary is 37,000 crowns, about 1,500 euros per month. Thus, according to data on vacancies at Jobs.cz, an annual preparatory course COMPLEX can pay off in four months, and the costs of the entire first year of living in the Czech Republic (Read the article “How much money you need for the first year of living in the Czech Republic”) – in less than a year.
What if we focus on statistics?
According to Platy.cz, the average pre-tax salary in the Czech Republic is 26 thousand crowns. Of course, this is an unreliable reference point since the average salary is calculated as follows: all the salaries of all possible positions – from top managers to low-qualified ones are added up. Denník.cz has compared the lowest and the highest salaries:
The lowest-paid jobs in the Czech Republic
Job | Salary |
Vrátný/doorman | 16 710 crowns / 645,41 euros |
Šička/ seamstress | 17 766 crowns / 686,20 euros |
Pracovník bezpečnostní služby/security service worker | 17 900 crowns / 691,38 euros |
Střihač textilu/textile cutter | 18 233 crowns / 704,24 euros |
Uklízečka/cleaning lady | 18 556 crowns / 716,71 euros |
Pomocná síla do kuchyně/kitchen assistant | 18 669 crowns / 721,08 euros |
Au-pair | 18 791 crowns / 725,79 euros |
Pracovník pohřební služby/funeral service worker | 19 143 crowns / 739,39 euros |
Obuvník/shoemaker | 19 173 crowns / 740,55 euros |
Krejčí/tailor | 19 346 crowns / 747,23 euros |
The highest-paid jobs in the Czech Republic
Job | Salary |
Generální ředitel/general manager | 161 899 crowns |
Country manager | 145 445 crowns |
Ředitel IT/ IT director | 132 573 crowns |
Ekonomický/finanční ředitel/financial director | 106 722 crowns |
Obchodní ředitel/business manager | 103 640 crowns |
Marketingový ředitel/marketing director | 100 486 crowns |
IT architekt/ IT architect | 93 889 crowns |
Ředitel logistiky/logistics Director | 93 323 crowns |
Pilot/pilot | 92 182 crowns |
Minimum salary in the Czech Republic
If the average salary gives us only a general idea of the earning opportunities in the Czech Republic, there is another, more illustrative factor that we can apply. This is the minimum salary—according to the law of the Czech Republic, you cannot pay less than 16,200 crowns (658 euros) pre-tax. If we imagine a hypothetical situation in which a university graduate, for some reason, is getting the minimum salary, the course will pay off in 10 months.
In any case, when applying for a job, our graduates pay off their investment in the cost of the course in about a year. Later, they receive only their profit from investments in preparing to study at a Czech university and from the time spent obtaining free quality higher education in the Czech Republic.