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Category: Choose Your Preparatory Course
Study at the best Czech universities for free. Higher education (bachelor’s, master’s degree) is free for foreigners, regardless of their citizenship.

Study Medicine and Nature Science Studies in Czech Republic
Medical and nature science programs at Czech universities For more than 60 years, ILPS has been preparing foreigners for admission to universities in the Czech Republic to study medicine. More than 83% of our graduates are…

Art Programs at Czech Universities
Preparation for admission to art-related programs takes place in the ILPS center Prague (Krystal). Do you want to study at the best Czech universities for free? You only need to…

Study Architecture degrees at Czech Universities Preparation for admission to architecture programs is conducted at two study centers. Creative architecture and urbanism are taught at the ILPS Prague (Krystal) center…

Humanities-related programs
Humanities-related programs at Czech universities. Preparation for humanities-related programs takes place at the UJOP Charles University Centre Prague Krystal. More than 80% of our students are admitted to study at a state university for free. Study…

Study Economic in Czech Republic
Preparation for economics-related programs takes place at the ILPS center Prague (Hostivař). More than 76% of our Hostivař center students are admitted to study at a state university for free. Study branches: BankingFinance and accountingEconomics and company managementInternational tradeNational economyEconomic policyManagement Study Banking in Czech Republic…