Jihad Mahmoud (Syria) „Last year in 2021 I was one of UJOP’s students who did not make it to medical school due to many consequences, such as the pandemic which…


我来自中国。捷克语对我来说很难,因为它和中文,英语有很大不同。它们分别属于不同的语系。因此学习捷克语对我来说也是一种挑战。但是学习捷克语同样也很有趣, 当取得进步时,会有巨大的成就感。

Czech Universities Without Entrance Exams In 2022
We present you the list of the faculties of Czech universities, where you can be admitted without entrance exams. For foreigners, a Czech language exam is obligatory, but graduates of…


Photo: UMPRUM Coursework Exhibition
UMPRUM (Academy of Applied Arts) hosted an exhibition of term papers. Works were presented by students of all ateliers: architectural ateliers, ateliers of industrial design, interior and furniture design, ateliers…

Фоторепортаж: выставка курсовых работ UMPRUM
В UMPRUM (Академия прикладных искусств в Праге) состоялась выставка курсовых работ. Работы представили студенты всех мастерских: 4 архитектурных мастерские, мастерская промышленного дизайна, дизайна интерьера и мебели, мастерская продуктового дизайна, мастерские…

Czech Podcast That You Can Read
Read Czech Podcast If you listen to podcasts and learn Czech, you should definitely subscribe to the podcast of the Czech radio Vinohradská 12. The podcast comes out almost every…

How Are the Medical Faculties of the Czech Republic Different?
Let’s talk about differences of Medical Faculties in Czech Republic. Source: https://namedicinu.cz/faculties/ The First Faculty of Medicine is the oldest and at the same time the largest among the…

Czech Language Courses at Charles University
At the Institute for Language and Preparatory Studies of the Charles University (ÚJOP UK) you can study Czech in the very heart of Prague, close to the National Theater. It…