У каждого учебного центра в рамках структуры ÚJOP есть свои традиции. У центра Прага это ознакомительные поездки в университеты других городов. Главная цель таких поездок – показать, что Прагой университетская…

What Podcasts You Should Listen to When Learning Czech?
Recently I have discovered a new form of entertainment – podcasts. Most often I listen to them on the road, thanks to them travel time flies by. Of course, most of the podcasts in…

An Overview of Czech Supermarkets: With And Without Discounts
Of course, you cannot be surprised by European supermarkets and hypermarkets. Quite a few countries have them. But the chances are that there is at least something that you don’t know about grocery shopping in the Czech Republic. In this article we are going…

UJOP applicants have a chance to buy 12-month complex insurance at the old price. Next year UJOP will close new agreement with the pVZP, which is the only one company…

School Certificate Nostrification In the Czech Republic
General information If you went to school somewhere other than Slovakia, Poland, Germany, Hungary or Slovenia, then in order to continue your studies in the Czech Republic, you need to verify your school certificate. The procedure of recognition of your education in the Czech…

How to Nostrify a Higher Education Diploma In the Czech Republic?
If you have received higher education somewhere other than Slovakia, Poland, Germany, Hungary or Slovenia, you need to confirm your diploma in order to continue your studies in the Czech Republic. In the Czech Republic, the procedure of education recognition is called nostrification. …

First Year in the Czech Republic: How Much Money Do You Need? Part Two: After Arrival
Read on for the first part: expenses before arrival This is the second part of our account of the expenses that await those attending language courses in the Czech Republic. The first part concerns the finances you need before your arrival…

First Year In the Czech Republic: How Much Money Do You Need? Part One: Before Arrival
Read on for the second part: expenses after arrival When assessing my possibility of attending a language course in Prague, I focused primarily on the cost of the course itself. For some reason, I thought this would be the…

SUTNARKA в Западно-Чешском университете
Недавно учебный центр Прага-Кристалл повез студентов и студенток, которые обучаются по гуманитарному и творческому направлениям, на День открытых дверей в Западно-Чешский университет в Пльзене (Západočeská univerzita v Plzni). Два больших…

ÚJOP UK знакомит своих студентов с университетами Чехии
Пятничным утром два огромных автобуса, заполненных студентами учебного центра Прага (Кристалл), выехали в славный город Пльзень. Нашей целью были два факультета Западно-Чешского университета: дизайна и искусств (читайте об этом здесь)…