Bioinformatics is a combination of molecular and cell biology, biochemistry, statistics and computer science. It addresses a development of tools for storage, searching and retrieval of biological data, but its…

Hyphen Changes Meaning
The hyphen (spojovník in Czech) is not just a dash. Sometimes it can change the meaning! For example, the word ‚e-mail‘ is electronic mail, while ‚email‘ is enamel, such as the one on…

Intensive Czech Language Course at ILPS CU
We have received a question about the possibility of studying an intensive Czech course. In fact, in addition to the preparatory courses that help applicants to get ready for admission to a university, the Institute’s system also includes courses in which…

Дефис меняет значение
Дефис (по-чешски spojovník) – не просто черточка. Иногда она может менять смысл! Например, слово e-mail – это электронная почта, тогда как email – это эмаль, например, зубная. И, раз уж…

Интенсивный курс чешского языка в ÚJOP UK
Мы получили вопрос о возможности обучения на интенсивных курсах чешского языка. Действительно, кроме подготовительных курсов, которые готовят абитуриентов к поступлению в университет, в системе Института есть и курсы, на которых…

Год 2020/2021 и как приспособиться к онлайн формату жизни
Дарья Жилкина, выпуск 2020/2021центр Прага Кристалл Ahoj všichni!Привет! Я поступила на специальности Evropská studia a diplomacie/ Politologie в Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci. Сегодня я хочу поделиться своим опытом прохождения через…

School Certificate Nostrification at Charles University Faculties
Nostrification of your school certificate at your faculty How to verify your secondary education document at the faculty of Charles University, which you are applying to? Nostrification is a procedure of recognition of your education in…

ILPS CU Dormitory Praha-Krystal
In the ILPS CU Prague-Krystal department, our students are prepared for admission to humanities, art-related, architecture-related, medical, and natural science programs. While training, they live in the dormitory of the study center. Dormitory „Krystal“ is located in the hotel complex near a convenient transport…

Why Does Charles University Have 5 (or Even 6) Medical Faculties?
When going to study in the Czech Republic, future doctors are usually surprised by the large number of medical faculties at Charles University. How come there are so many? We decided to…