There are two options how to study medicine in the Czech Republic. You can study for fee, and we recommend you apply for preparatory course, which help you to be prepared for entrance exams in English – click here to get more info
Or you can study for free if you pass exams in the Czech language and obtain language certificate on C1 level. If you want to try this challenge, we recommend you to apply for one-year preparatory course where you will start learn Czech from the very beginning – click here to get more info
Our Institute will help you with all procedures including application, visa and nostrification process. More questions please send to
Doc. MUDr. Bohumil Seifert, Ph.D., First Faculty of Medicine
Dear students, welcome to the Institute of General Practice of the First Faculty of Medicine of the Charles University.
We shall meet in this seminar room in the fourth year, when I and my colleagues introduce you to our field in the course of a week-long course.
We will show you how interesting and varied is the work of a general practitioner
In a model classroom one floor lower, you will be able to test your clinical skills while supervised by our experienced assistants and in the same week, you will also visit real offices of some GPS, our trainers, during their actual operation.
In the sixth year, when you will be much more advanced in your studies, we will offer you a two-week internship in a GP’s office. There, you will be able to see how your knowledge and experience will fare face to face with actual patients.
Students tend to view this internship as one of the most enriching of all.
We are looking forward to meeting you!
Do you want to study at the best Czech universities for free?
You only need to do two things for this – learn Czech and prepare well for the entrance exams. All this can be done on ILPS preparatory courses of Charles University – we prepare for admission in almost all fields. Click the banner
MUDr. Vladimíra Balíková, First Faculty of Medicine
General practice is that part of medicine that is closest to people and we want to introduce it to you as such.
You will have a chance to, for instance, better appreciate the problems of life with a handicap in chronically ill and old people using our models of old age.
Instruction in primary care and general medicine is at the First Faculty of Medicine unique and serves as a model for other medical faculties in the Czech Republic.
Our teachers include important Czech general practitioners of international renown.
Our institute is also actively involved in international collaboration, just like the whole faculty, which offers its students the broadest range of international internships at partner medical schools.
MUDr. Cyril Mucha, First Faculty of Medicine
Medics sometimes complain that there is too much theory and too little practice at the medical faculty.
Already in the fourth and sixth year can medics try in GP’s offices contact with patients in situations where there is not only one teacher per medic but also mostly one patient per medic
We have a network of collaborating teaching centers in general practice and medics who are interested in general practice or general medicine as such can, in addition to classical teaching days, already from for instance their second or third year come to GP’s offices and learn what medicine in practice looks like.
Karolina Jančarová, student of the First Faculty of Medicine
I have been coming to Dr. Mucha’s office for over a year to gain practical experience. It has been very helpful: I could try out a lot of things here and learn many common procedures
When we have practical training in a hospital. It is always classical hospital internship, so there is not as much contact with patients as here, in a GP’s office. This actual contact is what I like best. What I think is most important for me is communication with people.
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Dlouhodobý pobyt. Step-By-Step Instructions For Applying For a Long-Term Residence Permit
After successfully completing our preparatory course and gaining admission to the university, you will need to obtain a long-term residence permit (dlouhodobý pobyt). In this article, we will guide you…

Dlouhodobý pobyt. Пошаговая инструкция подачи заявления
После успешного завершения нашего подготовительного курса и поступления в университет, вам необходимо получить разрешение на долговременное пребывание (dlouhodobý pobyt). В этой статье мы шаг за шагом разберем этот процесс. Резервация…

My dream came true
Jana Borková, teacher, study center Praha-Krystal I have been teaching Czech and creative subjects at the Preparatory Programme for Studies in Arts and Architecture at the Institute for Language and…

Zdenko 老师,我的成绩太好了! 我在口试中只扣了一分——我自己都不敢相信。 笔试部分有我们在课堂上讨论过的问题。 非常感谢!——来自中国的学生颜春丽写给她的老师。 她被查理大学录取,在那里她将在哲学系学习对外波西米亚文学的硕士课程。 她的同学李嘉明也顺利通过了社会科学系的入学考试,将攻读媒体研究硕士学位。 两人都是2022年从中国来到捷克,加入了Humanities COMPLEX课程。 由于他们之前已经学习过捷克语,因此他们与懂斯拉夫语的学生一起上课,以便能够更快地学习。 即便如此,春丽和嘉明也能跟得上学习进度。 他们都在定期考试中取得了一些最好的成绩,勤奋地学习了他们的专业科目,并达到了 B1 水平的捷克语水平。 除了捷克语,他们俩人都很高兴参加了电影和戏剧史课以及社会和文化研讨会。 春丽提到,这些课程中讨论的话题对入学考试有很大帮助。 嘉明还参加了学生演讲比赛,并因其对中国传统服饰的演讲而获得了荣誉奖。 他和他的助手们穿着传统的汉服,甚至设法让观众中的两名志愿者穿上了这种与众不同的服装。 您想免费在捷克最好的大学学习吗? 为此,您只需要做两件事 – 学习捷克语并为入学考试做好准备。 所有这些都可以在查理大学的 ILPS 预科课程中完成——我们为几乎所有领域的入学做准备。 点击横幅