Let’s talk about differences of Medical Faculties in Czech Republic.
Source: https://namedicinu.cz/faculties/
First Faculty of Medicine, Charles University, Prague
The First Faculty of Medicine is the oldest and at the same time the largest among the medical faculties of the Czech Republic. Together with four other medical faculties (Second Faculty of Medicine, Third Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové, Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen) it is a part of Charles University, the oldest Central European university with a 670-year history .
Источник фото: https://www.lf1.cuni.cz/document/75497/ilustracni-foto-zdroj-1lf-uk.jpg
The First Faculty of Medicine is the oldest and at the same time the largest among the medical faculties of the Czech Republic. Together with four other medical faculties (Second Faculty of Medicine, Third Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové, Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen) it is a part of Charles University, the oldest Central European university with a 670-year history.
The first Faculty of Medicine is located almost in the very center of Prague, in an area called Albertov.
The first three years of study focus on theoretical and preclinical subjects, while the second part of the study covers clinical programs. In addition to compulsory subjects, students can add any of the 400 optional subjects to their schedule.
Entrance exams
Exams: 1. Chemistry = 90 min. -> 30 min break; 2. Physics = 90 min. -> 30 min break; 3. Biology = 60 min.
Maximum of points: 210
Number of questions: 70 test questions in biology + 70 test questions in chemistry + 70 test questions in physics
Minimum points to enter in 2021: 102
Preparation for admission
Institute of Charles University ÚJOP prepares students for entrance exams in both English and Czech .

Second Faculty of Medicine, Charles University, Prague
В The Second Faculty of Medicine was founded on the basis of the former Faculty of Pediatrics (Fakulta dětského lékařství) in 1990. Of course, this fact has left its mark on the faculty’s curriculum, students there study pediatrics in a greater depth, which improves general practitioners’ training quality.
Источник фото: https://www.instagram.com/p/CLujsstrZIb/
The Second Faculty of Medicine was founded on the basis of the former Faculty of Pediatrics (Fakulta dětského lékařství) in 1990. Of course, this fact has left its mark on the faculty’s curriculum, students there study pediatrics in a greater depth, which improves general practitioners’ training quality.
The Second Faculty of Medicine is located in the building of the largest hospital in the Czech Republic – in the Motol Faculty Hospital (Fakultní nemocnice Motol). This prime location of the faculty allows many practical subjects to be taught right at the Motol hospital, so that students do not need to go anywhere. Part of the clinical training also takes place at the Bulovce Hospital (Nemocnice na Bulovce) and the Central Military Hospital (Ústřední vojenská nemocnice).
It is believed that it is easier to enter this faculty, because in addition to traditional tests in biology, chemistry and physics, applicants also have a test on their learning abilities. On the second day, all “triathlon” ends with an oral interview. Those who would be able to go through all these trials will find themselves in an almost family atmosphere: there are only 4 students per teacher at this small faculty.
Although the first three years students are going to study theoretical and preclinical subjects, from the first year they already start dealing with practical medicine, for example, with first aid or patient care. Starting from the 4th year, students have clinical subjects.
Entrance exams
Exam: Three subjects in one test, 75 minutes for everything -> 30 min break; test of learning abilities = 45 min.; interview on the second day
Maximum of points: 150 + 90 + 60 = 300
Number of questions: 25 biology questions + 25 chemistry questions + 25 physics questions
Minimum points to enter in 2021: before the oral part 164, both parts 219
Preparation for admission
Institute of Charles University ÚJOP prepares students for entrance exams in both English and Czech .

Third Faculty of Medicine, Charles University, Prague
The faculty is located at the Vinohrady Medical Campus (ve vinohradském zdravotnickém areálu). This is the largest medical area in the Czech Republic, where there are educational, practical and scientific medical institutions.
Источник фото: https://www.instagram.com/p/Be21xjkBicb/
This faculty differs from other medical faculties in many ways, primarily in terms of the educational process organization. Training takes place by way of so-called modules, which combine different areas into one and thus form a comprehensive understanding of the problem and medicine in general. In practice, it looks like students do not study anatomy in the first year, physiology in the second year, etc. The training is arranged differently – one topic is discussed from all sides. Thus, in the first year of studies, the focus is on the cell, in the second year – on the body, in the third – on the disease, and so on. The training focuses primarily on practical skills, logical thinking development, as well as communication skills and the ability to find a solution in a changing environment.
The faculty is located at the Vinohrady Medical Campus (ve vinohradském zdravotnickém areálu). This is the largest medical area in the Czech Republic, where there are educational, practical and scientific medical institutions. Not only the building of the Royal Vinohrady Faculty Hospital (Královské Vinohrady) is located here, but also many other medical institutions with which the Third Faculty of Medicine cooperates.
There is no dentistry department at this faculty, only general practitioners are trained here. It is the most difficult one to enter, but those who succeed can be sure that they will successfully complete their studies. The entrance exams consist of tests in biology, chemistry and physics. On the second day of the exams, applicants are interviewed.
Entrance exams
Exam: Three subjects in one test, 180 minutes for everything; interview: interpretation of a professional text (15 minutes for preparation) + general questions on medical, sometimes controversial topics
Maximum of points: 90 + 62 = 152
Number of questions: 30 biology questions + 30 chemistry questions + 30 physics questions
Minimum points to enter in 2021: before the oral part 41, both parts 103
Preparation for admission
Institute of Charles University ÚJOP prepares students for entrance exams in both English and Czech .

Faculty of Medicine at the University of Ostrava
At the Faculty of Medicine, training takes place in spacious rooms with the latest technology. This puts the faculty among the most modern scientific and pedagogical medical institutions.
Источник фото: https://www.instagram.com/p/CSevDL0s42l/
This is the youngest faculty. The first healthcare students started studying here in 1993. A new stage began when in 2010 the university received accreditation for training of general practitioners; in the same year, the first medical students began to study. In 2020, the university administration applied for accreditation cancelation: major modernization took place. After that, in April 2021, accreditation became valid again. This faculty is located in the third largest city of the Czech Republic.
The entrance exams consist of tests in biology, chemistry and physics, there is no oral part. The applicants, however, should pay attention to the fact that in each subject you need to get at least 10 points, and in total – at least 45 points out of 90.
At the Faculty of Medicine, training takes place in spacious rooms with the latest technology. This puts the faculty among the most modern scientific and pedagogical medical institutions. Individual approach of teachers (each new stream of students consists of about 150-200 people) plays an important role at the faculty, as well as introduction of practical classes from the very beginning of training.
Entrance exams
Exams: Three subjects in one test, 90 minutes for everything
Maximum of points: 90
Number of questions: 30 biology questions + 30 chemistry questions + 30 physics questions
Minimum points to enter in 2021: 45
Preparation for admission
Institute of Charles University ÚJOP prepares students for entrance exams in Czech . There are no programs conducted in English at the faculty in Ostrava.

Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové, Charles University
A special thing about the entrance exams is that your points are deducted for incorrect answers, so you need to be careful not to have a negative score.
Источник фото: https://www.instagram.com/p/CTT9AVIs94n/
The Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové is also a faculty of Charles University, but it is not located in Prague. It was founded in 1945 as a branch of the Prague Faculty of Medicine, but later it became an independent faculty.
In addition to general medicine (6 years of studying), here you can study dentistry (5 years of studying). For admission, you need to pass the entrance exams, which consist of tests in biology, chemistry, physics and biological anthropology. A special thing about the entrance exams is that your points are deducted for incorrect answers, so you need to be careful not to have a negative score.
The first two years of studies are focused on theoretical subjects and first contacts with patients. The next 2 years are focused on pre-clinical and some clinical areas taught mainly during the 5th year. The last year is mostly about practice.
Entrance exams
Exam: Three subjects in one test, 165 minutes for everything
Maximum of points: 80
Number of questions: 20 biology questions + 20 chemistry questions + 20 physics questions + 20 biological anthropology questions
Minimum points to enter in 2021: 30
Preparation for admission
Institute of Charles University ÚJOP prepares students for entrance exams in both English and Czech

Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen, Charles University
The Faculty of Medicine itself claims that its goal is not to have a large number of students, but to have qualified and mentally-trained doctors.
Источник фото: http://www.lfp.cuni.cz/images/data/slider_6.jpg
The Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen also belongs to the Charles University. It was founded shortly after the Second World War and during this time has developed into a modern school.
At the Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen, you can study general medicine and dentistry, as well as other specialties. The curriculum is similar to most medical schools. For the first two years, students study basic medical subjects. Preclinical disciplines are added in the 3rd and 4th year. In the last 2 years of study, clinical subjects are covered, but practical classes begin as early as the 3rd year. General medicine studies last 6 years, and dentistry – 5 years.
The Faculty of Medicine itself claims that its goal is not to have a large number of students, but to have qualified and mentally-trained doctors. Unlike at Prague medical faculties, there are no oral interviews at the entrance exams in Pilsen, only a traditional test in biology, chemistry and physics.
Entrance exams
Exam: Three subjects in one test, 135 minutes for everything
Maximum of points: 75
Number of questions: 25 biology questions + 25 chemistry questions + 25 physics questions
Minimum points to enter in 2021: 54
Preparation for admission
Institute of Charles University ÚJOP prepares students for entrance exams in both English and Czech .

Faculty of Medicine at Masaryk University in Brno
The entrance exams here are not the easiest ones. Their special feature is the “E” option in questions, which means that none of the given answer options are correct.
Источник фото: https://www.instagram.com/p/CSofoBprFbS/
The Faculty of Medicine of Masaryk University is located in the second largest Czech city of Brno, most of the population there are students. Therefore, Brno is rightly proud of being the largest student city in the Czech Republic. This faculty is the second largest medical faculty in the Czech Republic, right after the First Faculty of Medicine of Charles University. More than 400 students are accepted here every year.
At the Faculty of Medicine of the Masaryk University, you can study general medicine for 6 years and dentistry for 5 years. In addition to these main medical branches, the faculty has other very interesting programs. The entrance exams here are not the easiest ones. Their special feature is the “E” option in questions, which means that none of the given answer options are correct.
The training barely differs from any other medical faculty. It starts with studying theoretical and preclinical subjects. Clinical subjects are covered later.
Entrance exams
Exam: Three tests: in physics, chemistry and biology, 50 minutes each
Maximum of points: 120
Number of questions: 40 biology questions + 40 chemistry questions + 40 physics questions
Minimum points to enter in 2021: 84
Preparation for admission
Institute of Charles University ÚJOP prepares students for entrance exams in both English and Czech .

Faculty of Medicine, Palacký University in Olomouc
Approximately one fifth of the population are students from the University of Olomouc, which allows Olomouc to be considered a typical student city.
Источник фото: https://www.zurnal.upol.cz/fileadmin/processed/2/7/csm_orl-konfa_dee77399f7.jpg
The Faculty of Medicine of Palacký University in Olomouc is the second oldest Faculty of Medicine in the Czech Republic. It was founded in the 16th century (the medical faculty of Charles University – in the 14th).
The faculty is located in a city that is neither big nor small, but has a very pleasant atmosphere. Approximately one fifth of the population are students from the University of Olomouc, which allows Olomouc to be considered a typical student city.
Faculty entrance exams include a test in biology, chemistry and physics, there is no oral interview. Exams in Olomouc are known for being clear and understandable. Unlike at other medical faculties, what is important here is you real knowledge of the subject, not playing with terminology.
The concept of the training program in general medicine involves studying theoretical subjects in the first two years of studies, which gradually transform into preclinical disciplines in the 3rd and 4th years. The second half of the fourth year is when the clinical sessions start and continue till your graduation.
Entrance exams
Exam: Three tests in one, 60 minutes for everything
Maximum of points: 75
Number of questions: 20 biology questions + 20 chemistry questions + 20 physics questions
Minimum points to enter in 2021: 60
Preparation for admission
Institute of Charles University ÚJOP prepares students for entrance exams in both English and Czech.

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