The embassy/consulate has scheduled a date for your visa application appointment. You have informed your administrative assistant about this date. The administrative assistant prepares the following documents for you: Confirmation…

Is the NEET Important to Study In the Czech Republic? MBBS in Czechia
The short answer is no. Medical faculties of Czech universities have their own entrance exams. Learn more about MBBS in Czechia Students from India do not need to take the…

How to fill out an application for a long-stay student visa to the Czech Republic?
Download the form on the website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Print it out and complete the form by following the instructions below. DOWNLOAD THE SAMPLE THE APPLICATION SHOULD…

MBBS in Europe. Study in the Czech Republic
A number of countries have such a thing as a bachelor’s degree in medicine. It can last six years as well, but graduates do not receive a doctorate after finishing…

この記事では、医学部進学を目指す予備コースに通う、日本人の現役学生の意見を紹介したいと思います。 このコースは、色々な国籍の人がいるのですが、授業の雰囲気も良く、また教師の方の教え方も丁寧です。生徒一人一人の個性を大事にしてくれる素晴らしい環境だと思います。 引っ込み思案や遠慮がちな日本人特有の性格に関しても、教師の方々が理解してくれてサポートしてくれるので、日本人にとってはとても勉強しやすい環境だと思います。 私は、エージェントに依頼せずこのコースに応募したため、不安な面も多々ありましたが、周りの友達や、教師の方がサポートしてくれるので、何の不満もなくチェコでの生活を過ごせています。 嬉しいご意見、ありがとうございました。受験のシーズンが迫ってきました、ご成功をお祈りしています。 入試対策 カレル大学ÚJOPでは、英語Englishとチェコ語Czech、両方のコースの入試対策に対応しています。 その他の記事を読む

Waiting Period For a Student Visa to the Czech Republic
After submitting an application to the embassy/consulate, you only have to wait. The time limit for consideration of a study visa application is 60 days. You can check the status…

Summer Schools in Czech Republic, UJOP UK
We have started a new round of applications at UJOP UK summer schools. With us you can learn Czech language, get to know Czech culture and travel across the Czech…

Summer course of Czech language and culture for foreigners in Prague
Non-standard summer courses of Czech for foreigners. They combine interactive teaching of Czech (levels A1 – B2 according to SERRJ) under the guidance of our experienced teachers, a variety of…

Getting your student visa affixed to your passport
If the employee of the embassy/consulate who informed you that your visa had been approved did not specify the date and time when you can come to get your visa,…

Interview For a Student Visa to the Czech Republic
Applying for a long-term visa often involves a short interview. This fact makes many of our future students nervous. Not only do you have to go through a big bureaucratic…