Since ÚJOP is a full-fledged part of Charles University, students of our courses have access to a large part of the university infrastructure. In particular, they get free access to the Eduroam wi-fi network. This short article will tell you how to use it without being disconnected.
What is Eduroam
Eduroam is a global project that allows researchers and university students to have free access to the Internet. Today, universities, libraries and research centers in over 100 countries are connected to the network. A special feature of this network is that user accounts function regardless of geographic location.
This means that while walking around Prague, you can approach any university building and will be automatically connected to the network. Moreover, the same rule applies, for example, in other European countries. If you are traveling and you urgently need internet connection, just find the nearest university building. That’s it, you are in touch. Follow this link to find all Eduroam hotspots in the Czech Republic. There is also a link to download a smartphone application, which will show you the coverage areas of the network.
Turn off your Torrent
However, there is an important rule to follow. It concerns copyright matters, which are taken much more seriously in the European Union than in our countries. If you use torrents to download movies, books or music, you need to turn off file sharing. You can download files, but torrenting is prohibited. The Eduroam system automatically recognizes a torrent transfer of some movie on which you do not hold the copyright, and blocks your access for 20 days. For the first time – for 20 days, if you violate the rules again, the system will block you for a longer period of time or even disconnect you forever.
Practice shows that this rule applies only to torrent trackers. In other cases, you can safely send files by mail, watch online movies, download music, and so on. Nevertheless, it should be noted that these actions are considered illegal on the territory of the European Union.
General information about copyright
In general, if we touch upon copyright matters, in the Czech Republic there is a certain ambivalence towards the issue. On the one hand, you will be required to indicate the sources of a photo you used in your presentation. On the other hand, during your studies at a university, your teachers will be sending a huge number of scanned books through a closed university system.
On the one side, a teacher can play a film in Czech for the entire class. On the other side, a teacher of audiovisual arts may stop playing a film after 30 minutes from its beginning with the words: „I have the right to show you only this fragment, it is against the law to show the whole thing.“
Basically, the attitude towards copyright issues is much more strict than ours, but lots of things are still possible. It needs to be mentioned that in Czech society in general, the attitude towards copyright and access to information is ambiguous. For example, in the Czech Republic there is a very active political party called the Pirate Party (Pirátská strana). Among other things, its supporters are out to ensure that the state does not have the right to disconnect someone from the Internet or deny access to certain Internet resources. But while Czechs are arguing, I recommend that you take a look at the current legislation (link to the law in Czech) regarding copyright, since violation of the rules can lead to unpleasant consequences.
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My dream came true
Jana Borková, teacher, study center Praha-Krystal I have been teaching Czech and creative subjects at the Preparatory Programme for Studies in Arts and Architecture at the Institute for Language and…

Zdenko 老师,我的成绩太好了! 我在口试中只扣了一分——我自己都不敢相信。 笔试部分有我们在课堂上讨论过的问题。 非常感谢!——来自中国的学生颜春丽写给她的老师。 她被查理大学录取,在那里她将在哲学系学习对外波西米亚文学的硕士课程。 她的同学李嘉明也顺利通过了社会科学系的入学考试,将攻读媒体研究硕士学位。 两人都是2022年从中国来到捷克,加入了Humanities COMPLEX课程。 由于他们之前已经学习过捷克语,因此他们与懂斯拉夫语的学生一起上课,以便能够更快地学习。 即便如此,春丽和嘉明也能跟得上学习进度。 他们都在定期考试中取得了一些最好的成绩,勤奋地学习了他们的专业科目,并达到了 B1 水平的捷克语水平。 除了捷克语,他们俩人都很高兴参加了电影和戏剧史课以及社会和文化研讨会。 春丽提到,这些课程中讨论的话题对入学考试有很大帮助。 嘉明还参加了学生演讲比赛,并因其对中国传统服饰的演讲而获得了荣誉奖。 他和他的助手们穿着传统的汉服,甚至设法让观众中的两名志愿者穿上了这种与众不同的服装。 您想免费在捷克最好的大学学习吗? 为此,您只需要做两件事 – 学习捷克语并为入学考试做好准备。 所有这些都可以在查理大学的 ILPS 预科课程中完成——我们为几乎所有领域的入学做准备。 点击横幅

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